Overview for writing a mystery...
1) INTERVIEW: - the victim, the witness(es), the first
person/officer on the scene – Purpose: to develop a theory of what allegedly
a) Ask your POV character about:
Problem / Conflict
Scene Goal (what they hope to accomplish)
Purpose (Action he/she plans to take to achieve
the goal)
Who else is in the scene and are they “with” him/her
or “against” him/her?
b) Ask your other characters if they are “with” the POV character or
“against” the POV character and why or why not.
2) EXAMINE THE SCENE: - to ascertain if the
theory can be upheld – watch for:
Point of entry – the previous failures, setbacks or discovery that propelled the
character into this scene.
Point of Exit – the failure or discovery in
this scene that propels the character into the next scene.
- Where are they? When is it?
the climate, lighting, etc?
Note all physical items in the scene-are they clues or
red herrings?
Choreograph what happens. Who was where, when?Who did what? How?
5) PROCESS: Evaluate, record, collect physical and
testimonial evidence for further analysis
What did we
learn? How does this impact the plot?
The character? The setting?
What is the
result of the scene? What step must the
POV take next? What is the new goal?
How does this
propel the story and the characters into the next scene?
- Are all the necessary clues and set-up information included?
- Are all the necessary clues and set-up information included?
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